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Saturday, January 29, 2011

License to kill…errr..COOK

HULLO Mumbo Jojos!
The QUIRK masters had a meeting and decided to take the quirking a level up. We spoke about art, culture, beauty holidaying but not food. So here we serve you a platter of QUINK!

Would you fancy eating something that the Emperor of Japan has been officially forbidden not to for safety reasons? Would you like a plate of something that is 1200 times more poisonous than cyanide? Would you enjoy eating something that MIGHT paralyze your muscles leading to death by asphyxiation?

After all the ‘would yous’ if you're still interested in trying it …we have ‘FUGU’ for you!

Fugu or the blow fish is a Japanese delicacy. The fish gulps a lot of water, swelling up to a spiky balloon making it impossible to be swallowed by predators. However, the danger we are talking about is tetrodotoxin. One Fugu contains enough of this toxin to kill 30 people. Therefore, it has to be carefully prepared to remove toxic parts and to avoid contaminating the meat. Only chefs who have acquired a license after rigorous training are allowed to cook it. A Fugu chef has to sample the dish himself before serving it. The deaths that have been known to occur are due to illegal fishing and cooking of the fish.

Records reveal that 6.8 % deaths have occurred due to consumption in restaurants. In the last 10 years, 321 people have fallen ill and 26 people have died in Japan alone. The sale of this fish is forbidden in the European Union.

In Mumbay it is available at the oriental restaurant San Qi at the Four Seasons Hotel.

So go ahead and enjoy the taste of death!

Master Dhoro Zoro.

p.s. there is no antidote to this toxin ;)